Like many of us on this site, I have been having memory issues and trouble remembering words. I saw a neurologist last week who agrees it is not expected in someone my age (50) and set me up for an MRI last week. Just wondering if anyone else has had tests for this "memory fog" and what was found/done to help it.
Kelly Dabel Community Admin
cyd Member
Richard Faust Community Admin
Lori Foster Community Admin
I can understand your mixed emotions,
L rick Phillips Moderator & Contributor
kentuck2a Member
L rick Phillips Moderator & Contributor
I think as a writer it is often common to see it yourself before it can even be defected. Do my essays come to mind easier or more difficult? So I forget what i have started. Is that Sheryl or her sister calling (that has always been a problem, you have no idea what havoc can be caused by telling her sister I love you). it was an honest mistake, I swear and anyone who knows me knows that was a clear mistake.
Nut you get the idea. I think if we are honest we do see it in ourselves first. Even if what we see is worry and not real. My worry was found not to be true when I the other sister called and I said goodbye normally. Meaning she hung up on me. Yep all is back to normal.
cyd Member
cyd Member
L rick Phillips Moderator & Contributor
No I saw a neuropsychologist and i was referred by my neurologist after I said I have noticed a difference. The neurologist had me do a preliminary series of tasks in her office that showed some mild impairment . My main concern is actually the impact of long term diabetes. I am in my 48th year and I have microvessel disease in many part so my body. It is an issue in my heart, feet and hands, so I am concerned with the most obvious place, my brain.
If I have mild impairment then it makes sense that it is possible it started with RA, or more likely it is diabetes-related cognitive dysfunction. It is a relatively new science that demonstrates how the long term diabetes can in some instances cause cognitive issues. There is a nice 2020 article about how this is expressed in RA.
Here are two articles, diabetes and RA: