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Memory of pain for years

My mother said that the pain I had for years as a teenager was in my mind. Wrong I had RA as a child, but mother refused to accept it. Now I am paying for it 58 years later. Having good days and bad days were a part of my life. During my pregnancy, two very bad episodes aquired were was not able to hold my new Born's for almost two years. Now at age 70 pain is so severe nothing seam to help. Dr have prescribed Embrel, Monica, and plaquenal, still no pain meds. Why am not a drug seeker, just like to have less pain to enjoy life with family. Now must use a scooter to do simple shopping or going anywhere that requires lots of walking.

  1. Oh my heart goes out to you, ! How frustrating and challenging that you experienced the dismissal of your symptoms and pain from your mother. I can only imagine how that would impact a person, both emotionally and physically. You are definitely not alone in having symptoms as a child. Several of our community members (as well as health leaders) were diagnosed with RA as children.

    Unfortunately, good days and bad days are part of living with RA. I know a lot of people here can relate to the ups and downs of bad days, and not-so-bad days. Also, your frustrations on getting medication to help with pain is one that is not lost on the community here. It can be very hard to get doctors to agree to (or approve) pain medications, you're not alone. Some of our community members have had some success in managing their pain with a pain management specialist. I'm not sure if you've yet seen this type of doctor, but perhaps it would be an option for you? I'm sharing a link to an article with more information,

    I can hear how difficult it has been for you throughout the years, especially not being able to hold your baby for almost two years! Please know that this community is here for you! Sending you gentle hugs. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    1. Thank You for understanding. Not many people don't unless their are going through it too

  2. I'm really sorry to hear about your long journey with RA and how it has impacted you over the years. I can only imagine how challenging it must have been, especially during pregnancy and raising children. How do you think your experience with RA has influenced your children's lives and their understanding of chronic illness throughout the years? How did you all cope and manage through it? Kindly, Latoya (Team Member)

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