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MTX and squamous cell carcinoma

Sept 2020 had meniscus surgery on knee . Was told to use crutches 2 weeks . 2nd day wrists and shoulders were so painful that I could hardly move them . After a couple weeks had blood work done . Only showed high blood inflammation. Rheumatologist put me on methotrexate and prednisone. 2 months good to go . Rheumatoid insisted I had RA . 7 pills weekly . Felt like trash every morning . So by late summer I backed off to 5 weekly pills . Saw rheumatologist for quarterly visit and told her I cut dosage . She agreed and thought I was doing fine . Had me cut to 4 , then 3 . I didn’t think I needed it at all, but listened to Dr and continued taking against my better judgement . In May a lump appeared on my neck on a Friday . Already had appointment with rheumatologist on Tuesday . She said get to your PCP real soon . Next day saw PCP . He ordered CT scan for that day . All it showed was 4 lymph nodes enlarged and something at base of tongue . PCP referred me to local ENT . Didn’t like that idea as I would have rather went to university hospital to be checked . Local ENT took 6 weeks and still no diagnosis. Went to ENT at university and with his biopsy found squamous cell carcinoma on my tongue . When I started taking MTX I read that taking it doubled chance for this type cancer . I am not a smoker or tobacco user or alcohol drinker . Surgeon said he can’t say MTX caused this but he said it never helped it either . Drs will not point fingers , we know that . So I had full body Pet Scan and also surgeon put me to sleep and took biopsy as he wanted to be sure it was primary tumor . Also looked down thru larynx and esophagus. No cancer found except base of tongue . I see radiation oncologist tomorrow, but it is looking like 7 weeks of radiation, 5 days a week and 7 weekly chemo treatments. I was told the 3-4 th week of radiation the inside of mouth is like one great big blister . If swallowing gets too difficult, a feeding tube would have to be used until treatments end. I wish I had quit taking MTX May of 2022 , when I wanted too . Have not had MTX in 3 months with absolutely ZERO arthritis issues . I guess that proves I didn’t need it after the wrists and shoulders were strained by the crutches .

  1. Oh , my heart goes out to you! Such a difficult and challenging thing you're going through right now. Please know that our whole community is here for you and hoping the treatment works quickly with as minimal side effects as possible! (One big blister in the mouth sounds so incredibly painful!) If you're comfortable, and feeling up for it, please keep us posted with how your treatments go. Sending you gentle hugs. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    1. I have now had 10 radiation treatments and 2 sessions of chemo . 23 more radiation and 5 chemo to go . The lymph node under my ear was about the size of an egg . I looked aweful. It is now 90% down to normal. Blood work NEVER proved i had RA . Just high blood inflamation from knee injury according to surgeon . I have no problem taking the prednisone and methotrexate to get blood inflamation down . But I feel I should have been taken off the meds once I was back to normal. I am only taking time to tell this as I wished I had stopped the methotrexate . Don't hesitate to question doctors. All 3 of my oncologists said they can't say the methotrexate caused my cancer but since it is an immune suppressant, it could have kept my body from expelling the HPV virus . They all said it definitely didn't taking the methotrexate. I have been faithfully married to my wife 35 yrs . Was not loose prior to marriage. They say this virus could have been picked up at my gym , restaurant etc etc . 90 % of people are infected with it , but most their body rejects it. My treatments end Oct 5. Inside of mouth getting sore . Dragging from radiation and chemo . On pain meds and 3 scripts of lidocaine mouth wash for mouth and throat pain caused by radiation. Loss of taste and saliva glands due to radiation . Might come back and might not . Time will tell. Scheduled for feeding tube Sept 18. Fun times ahead .

      1. I actually ended up with lymphoma recently after thirty plus years of RA medication, including MTX and other powerful drugs. My doctors couldn’t tell me if they caused the cancer or not, but after years or drugs with the side effect of cancer listed I think I can safely assume that in my case it was probably exactly what happened. Fortunately they put me into remission. I know that cancer treatment can be daunting and overwhelming, but just know that you are not alone and if there’s anything we can do from here, let us know. Keep on keepin’ on, DPM

        1. I added a new update last evening and don't see it here ???

          1. , I found it! For some reason, it got caught in our spam filter. Your comment is obviously NOT spam and it should be showing up now. Apologies for the delay in your post publishing. Thank you for the update. I am glad you are getting some chemo and radiation treatments under you belt. I know you will probably be glad to be done with those, when the time comes. And your doctors are right; you may never know if methotrexate caused your cancer, but it probably didn't help.

            I hope the feeding tube procedure goes well. I know it's not ideal, but I do hope it takes some pressure off of you and your body and allows you to not have to worry so much about aggravating your mouth sores.

            Please keep us posted on how you are doing and I will keep an eye out to make sure your updates don't end up in the spam folder!

            Best, Erin, Team Member.

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