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Naltrexone LDN

Has anyone tried or know anything about taking naltrexone for RA?

  1. Hi . Here is an article from one of our advocates about low-dose Naltrexone that might interest you: I have no experience with it, but I hope you hear from others who do. If you do decide to try it, we would love to hear about your experience. Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Thanks for the information, I’ll keep you posted

      1. I just read an article related to this, it was called the new "Silver Bullet" for pain management.

        1. Hi , would you be able to find the article about naltrexone and RA and be willing to link it here? I think some of our community members might be interested in reading more about it. Thanks so much for commenting and being a part of our community here. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

        2. Hi . In addition to the information from Lori, I want to provide this earlier Forum discussion on the topic of naltrexone: Also, is this the article you recently read: I would note that this article mentions multiple non-opioid pain management options. Wishing you the best. Richard ( Team)

      2. I take low-dose Naltrexone twice a day. It took about 3 months to tell a difference but it does help with the overall throbbing pain that I get. I also take plaquenil with it and I just started Arava.

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