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Does anyone else have cervical neck pain and swelling?

Does anyone here have RA in their neck?

  1. Hello Northlake:

    Yes, I have had neck pain due to RA for many years. My Rheumy mentioned a surgery but I'd need to wear a "halo" for some time. A friend of ours had to wear a "halo" also after falling off a building which he was doing work on.

    Needless, to say, I'm not in any hurry to want that surgery. Hopefully, they find a surgery that is less barbaric. Meanwhile, I continue with my meds which help a bit, use a warm pack on my neck and wear a collar when it is really painful.

    1. Thank you for your feedback. I very much appreciate it. RA is a mean disease! Northlake

      1. My wife says I am a pain in the neck. but she does not have RA. Or,, does she? I may suggest that to her next time.....

        Never mind I just found out that was not such a good plan.

        I want you to know that yes I have neck pain and yes my wife says I am a pain in the neck. One is caused by RA and one is caused by a husband. You can guess which might be which.

        1. I've had pain in my neck for many years but recently in the last 3 months its been getting alot worse. The stiffness is way more intense this time so I can't move it very well. I will be bringing this up with the rheumatologist next time I see him.

          1. Hi , so sorry to hear that you're experiencing neck pain and that it's getting worse. You're definitely not alone: I've been having neck pain with my RA, too, particularly in the morning when I first wake up.

            I'm glad you'll be talking about this with your rheumatologist; communication with them is so important when you have RA.

            Thank you for your comment and for being a member of this community. Wishing you the best,

            David ( Team Member)

          2. same here - if I use my computer, tablet or phone too long or too often it can aggravate the pain & swelling. It was almost bad enough to get surgery or ablation in several areas. It has not been so bad the last few months, so I’m hopeful it does not decide to move in again. It was the most painful area I have ever had flares.

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