Hi I'm hoping to find some guidance or at least direction as to what I'm looking at. Yesterday I found out through a blood panel that I had drawn (for a separate issue a few months back) that I tested very high for multiple Rheumatoid Factors. He asked me if I have any arthritis and I told him yes I have been dealing with it in my lower back for years. I just recently started seeing a pain specialist for my lower back because after 14 years of chiropractic, massage and self care my back pain has become more unmanageable (I was in a massive car accident when I was 20). I've received epidural injection with no help and a recent facet injection with some relief. I'm scheduled to see a new PCP on Aug 2nd so for now I'm left wondering was the test only a glimpse of what's to come, or is it maybe what's caused the change in my back? I'm feeling a little shell shocked by all of this and I want to get a good understanding of what I'm in for. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.