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New to forum: Thank you for the knowledge

I was diagnosed for my RA at the beginning of the pandemic and I just found this forum while browsing for possible solution to manage my daily pain and the gradual loss of my mobility. As I slowly scanning thru the forum, now I have a much better insight on dealing with my flare-up, the fatigue and what's ahead on how my meds will do. I would like to express my gratitude and thank the folks for sharing their experience.

  1. Welcome to our community! I discovered it shortly after I was diagnosed. I am so glad it has been insightful for you. I’ve been reflecting lately on what this site means to me. I spend a lot of time on line searching the science of RA and it’s treatments. What I like about being here is the respect and support offered by others in similar situations. I come here to both give and receive support in an environment safe from judgement or lectures. I find information on topics I can research and speak with my doctors about. This site gives me Hope for all of us battling as individuals and yet together in spirit. I want to say Welcome once again and I Hope for decreased fatigue and flaring for you very soon, Jo

    1. Welcome ! You can use this community to share how you feel, ask questions, or ask/give support. We are here for you! Managing RA is a challenge but it doesn't have to be done alone. So please know this is a safe space for you. Warmly, - Reggie, team member

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