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Osteo Biflex supplement

Were there any studies on the effectiveness of taking Osteo Biflex triple strength supplement for RA? It has chondrotin and glucosamine.

  1. I did a very rudimentary search on google scholar for information. I did not find any. I did see a few references to efficacy for OA (sometimes RA pain is also OA pain). but I did not see anything about RA.

    1. thank you!

  2. Hi, ! It can be hard to find definitive studies on the efficacy of chondrotin and glucosamine for managing RA symptoms. And, while this article is slightly off topic from your question, I wanted to share this piece from one of our contributors on her use of bone broth to help with her RA symptoms --

    Also, if you haven't done so already, you can discuss Osteo Biflex with your physician. Some physicians do feel comfortable recommending supplements like this one to help with joint health, but you may want to check with your personal physician, to be safe.

    I hope this helps and I do hope you get some feedback from other community members that may be taking this supplement or a similar one.

    Best, Erin, Team member.

    1. thank you Erin!

  3. Hi . On top of the excellent information already provided, I want to note the importance of talking with your doctor about any contraindications or conditions that that chondroitin and glucosamine could be harmful if taken with; such as warfarin, some allergies, asthma, etc... Best, Richard ( Team)

    1. Thank you Richard. My husband has RA and takes ibuprofen and prednisone. He is also on antibiotics due to chronic lung disease from birth.

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