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Otrexup vs Methotrexate

Greetings all! I am wondering if anyone has been prescribed Otrexup, autoinjection instead of Methotrexate pills. My doctor in Germany said an injection is better absorbed by the body; however, my doctor here in the States it makes no difference; anyone else have this situation occurr? Cheers and thanks!

  1. Thanks for posting this great question! I just responded to your other post as well. In your experience, have you noticed a difference? I'd imagine that the tablets are less expensive but wonder if you find the injections much more effective. Appreciate you sharing with us. Best, Kelly, Team member

    1. Hello
      I self injected methotrexate to bypass stomach
      I was ok for about a month but then started to have a lot of nausea the day I injected and a day after so I stopped. I also attribute weight gain to this med
      Hope this helps

      1. Hi . Nausea is a common side effect of methotrexate. Some people find folic acid helps. Are you taking any other medications for your RA now? Thanks for weighing in on this. Wishing you the best! - Lori (Team Member)

    2. I was unable to tolerate oral MTX, but tolerate injectable well. I had some mild malaise and nausea with the first few weeks but then adjusted to it and side effects are quite mild now. I take Folic Acid per prescription which is essential when taking MTX. I do my injection on Tues and always note less swelling in my hands on Thur. Jo

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