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Paper discussion

  1. Hi . Thanks for sharing the article. Like you, I'm always interested in new avenues of research into potential treatments to RA and autoimmune conditions in general. I can't speak to specifics on much of the research, but I did note that neither rheumatoid arthritis or autoimmune conditions are mentioned anywhere in the article. Also, much of the research discussed is either animal or with a small number of human participants. That said, it does discuss the effects of Boron on inflammatory markers and there has been subsequent research in this area. Some of the research actually points in opposite directions. This article, which dealt with infection, noted that "Boron further stimulated the secretion of TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β:" These are all inflammatory molecules in the immune system that go haywire in autoimmune conditions and are suppressed by medications. This more recent article discusses research into the use of Boron in immune response modulation: Other articles discuss it supporting immune system response. The problem in relation to autoimmune conditions is that the immune system is already overly active. One commonality, is that the papers currently out there seem to point to the need for further development before real human treatments are developed. Hope this information is helpful. Best, Richard ( Team)

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