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Parafine heater

Seeking recommendations for a parafine heater for hands and/or feet that heats in a reasonable amount of time.

  1. Hi, !

    I know quite a few of our members use of have used paraffin wax heaters and I hope they see your question and chime in with their personal recommendations. There are a *lot* of options out there, so I know it might be helpful to narrow done your options. I know that the Homedics brand is used by at least one member, here. And, it's pretty affordable. I have not used it myself, so please keep that in mind.

    If you don't get a lot of feedback, I like to go to Amazon and just read reviews on some of the most popular products. It tends to help me get an idea of the pros and cons of a product, even if I choose to buy it from somewhere besides Amazon.

    I hope this helps and that you find the right wax heater for you!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

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