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Positive with covid19

I have seronegative rheumatoid inflammatory arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. Last week my son wasn't feeling well and i started feeling offish, so i did not take my 25 mg methotrexate injection, my son took a covid19 test and was positive, so on knowing that i took my own but it said negative.

A few days later full flu symptoms hit me plus temp at 38.6, i did another covid test on myself and the 2nd one said i was positive with covid also.I phoned my rheumatologist and she said don't take my medication this week with myself having covid, take it next weekend.

My autoimmune system was under control but pottering around my bedroom this evening, both my ankles was hurting, both my wrists, both my shoulders,

When i was diagnosed with this vicious disease it was just in 1 finger, 1 knee and both wrists, i know it's not my flu that is causing this pain, i remember only to well what that pain is, because the odd time that i had to stop taking methotrexate injection because of a chest or skin infection and go on antibiotics, pain in joints come.

Wednesday full flu symptoms came, tested positive on Thursday, Friday my rheumatoid is flaring up, when i spoke to my rheumatologist earlier today i didn't have any signs of a flare up and i can't call her now until Monday.

  1. Hi . I want to check-in and see how you are doing/managed the weekend? I hope the COVID symptoms have started to subside. Have you had a chance to speak to your rheumatologist? I know steroids are often used in treating COVID (most often with more severe cases), but only a doctor could determine if they would be appropriate for your case to help with RA symptoms. Hoping you are doing better soon. Richard ( Team)

    1. Luckily i was sent an appointment a few weeks after i got covid out of my system which finally left me after 2 weeks.
      I had my 3rd methotrexate 25ml injection after covid and told the rheumatologist nurse what joints it was not affecting ( it was quicker that way ).
      She spoke to the rheumatologist, i had a steroid injection because of the pains but that not much good really.

  2. I got COVID and am also seronegative with my RA. I got it last holiday season and the whole house was hit, jus like yours. Fortunately, I got onto the PAXLOVID as soon as possible and it was a game changer for me. Now, my taste buds weren’t pleased and my mouth tasted like charcoal and chemicals for a week, but it wasn’t much more than a mild cold for me. I was even able to stay on my RA meds so that it didn’t flare up too bad. My mom, though, on the other hand, battled with after effects for months and had breathing issues for a while. It did eventually relent, but it took a while. I know it can be frightening and overwhelming, but it did eventually clear the house totally. Please let us know if there’s anything we can do for you from here and remember - you are not alone! Keep on keepin’ on, DPM

    1. My rheumatologist nurse once told me that if you come off methotrexate injections once on them, the autoimmune disease comes back with vengeance. Im ok if i have to miss one does but i had to miss 2 doses and with having covid at the time, now my right shoulder is stiff with pain, sometimes i can't put my hand above my head, been like that since i got over covid, plus it's effecting my other shoulder, my neck, ankles, wrists, knuckles on both sides. At one stage it felt like i was walking barefoot on lumpy gravel.
      She had put up my dose from 20mg to 25mg afew months back because my immune system give me trigger finger which the extra dose had sorted out but my trigger finger is also back again.

      They are now giving me a few more months to see if it will all calm down again and in the meantime the rheumatologist is going to come up with something else that i can have with the methotrexate injection or change it completely. But they have to be careful on what i can have, she said i am limited to some of them.
      I carry an EpiPen, had anaphylactic shock on one operation, anaphylaxis with tachycardia on another operation, both times gave me treatment to sort that out and had ellergic pitted edema plus itchy rash on ARCOXIA tablets and been told i can't take ibuprofen.
      That's when they decided to try me on methotrexate
      So they decided to give me a EpiPen just in case i need it at anytime, i have an allergic reaction to drugs my family practice doctor said.

    2. I get that fear. Every time something went wrong with my meds, I was terrified that I would not be able to go back on it if I had to stop it. It usually turned out true, too, until I found the right one for me after twenty years of trying. Now, I’ve been on it for a decade and it works - even if I go off it and back on. So, there is light at the end of the tunnel! Keep on keepin’ on, DPM

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