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I would like to know thoughts on simply staying on Prednisone forever or trying my 5th drug....Rinvoq this time....scares the daylights out of me....could the side effects of prednisone really be worse than Rinvoq?
Any thoughts are appreciated....

  1. Hi, !

    There are a lot of factors that should be figured in to a decision like yours. Like, your age, how advanced your RA is, how your body has responded to other RA medications, etc.

    So, long term prednisone usage can cause weight gain, thinning skin, increased appetite, mood swings, and especially, bone loss. Bone loss is one of the main reasons doctors try not to encourage long term prednisone usage.

    That said, some of our community members have been on prednisone for many years, with minimal side effects. I wanted to share this conversation from our forums on the topic of long term prednisone usage that you may find helpful -- I actually just wrote this to another community member tonight, but I always tell our community members that you get to make the decision about your healthcare. In the end, it is your choice. And, as long as you go in to those choices fully informed, you can decide what is best for you and your health. You and your doctor may decide that the benefits of prednisone outweigh the risks.

    I hope this helps and I hope other community members chime in here and share their thoughts and experiences with prednisone.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Thanks so much for your thoughts....I am almost 66 years old...retiring at the end of this year...I have fought through alot of pain...I have been on methotrexate (hurt my liver) sulfasalazine (vomiting and high blood pressure), enbrel and, I am to start Rinvoq....I have been on 5mg of Prednisone for over a year and the dr. just increased it to 10....I feel good right gut instinct on the Rinvoq, with it's warnings, make me nervous...I smoked for 25 years....I have hypertension and high weight is ok...I still work as an ultrasound tech in a hospital...I am NOT a sissy....if the prednisone keeps me functional, isn't that ok???? Thanks so much...

      1. , you're welcome! A good doctor will make sure to regularly monitor you to make sure the prednisone isn't causing negative impacts. It can affect blood pressure, but again, that can be monitored. And, it does sound like you have had a rough go with more conventional RA treatments.

        And I know that anyone living with RA is definitely NOT a sissy!

        Best, Erin, Team Member.

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