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Progression? Weird pain patterns

Hi everyone! I honestly have been very fortunate because over the last 10 years things have been relatively stable on plaquenil. My anti-CCP and RA factor were pretty high at diagnosis. Over the past 6 months my symptoms of pain are worsening but I never have swelling or stiffness that last all day. I do have pain but it comes and goes, my joints crack and pop. I have pain when I try to move the joint but at rest it goes away. Sometimes out of nowhere I have pain at the base of my thumb that feels like a bee sting. Each joint that is affected seems to have a different kind of pain. My symptoms are so different than textbook descriptions of RA. I can't put affected joints in certain positions without having pain. I am just confused because I don't have the same pain all day long. Oh and it has never been symmetrical either and the affected joint will change from day to day.

  1. Thank you, I appreciate your reply! Will follow up

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