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RA and Heart/Artery inflamation

I've had RA since having Covid in 2020. I was never diagnosed nor tested, but I just knew, since joint pain (mostly fingers) was terrible and it would go away almost completely when sick with something else (cold, flu, etc). I figured this was my immune system being busy with something else. I almost enjoyed being sick because it meant a break from the pain in my hands.

Fast forward to August 2023. I ended up getting tests for RA while in the ER for circulatory issues (fast heart rate, chest pain, fatigue with little exertion). I tested high on Rheumatoid Factor (21) and over 250 on CCP. I had over a week of what seemed like clogged arteries. I couldn't even sit at a desk to type. I took a Stress Echo and the treadmill made me feel like 40 years were added to my age (mid 40s).

So my question, has anyone heard of RA inflammation simulating clogged arteries?

  1. Hi . You mentioned that you were in the ER for circulatory issues. Did you get a heart exam and any tests? RA can have/cause cardiovascular issues. This article from our editorial team discusses these in more detail: Most of these issues are due to the cumulative effect of the disease, so it is important to speak with your doctor about anything that seems rapid onset. I also want to share this article on lung diseases and issues related to RA, in case what you are feeling is more pulmonary: Hoping you get some answers and relief for these symptoms soon. Best, Richard ( Team)

    1. They did several tests: multiple types of blood tests including for protein released after heart attack, D Dymer, ekg, echo, stress echo, CT and I was not given any conclusive information. They did not do an angiogram.

      1. I'm glad to hear they did a lot of testing to check your heart. It sounds like a scary experience to be having such extreme symptoms! Are you feeling any better now or are your symptoms still present? And what does the doctor say are next steps? In addition to the great information Richard shared with you, I do hope some of our community members can chime in here. RA fatigue can be pretty intense, and overwhelm the body, but I'm not sure that I've ever heard it likened to the feeling of clogged arteries, so I wouldn't necessarily want to equate what you're describing with RA fatigue. (That being said, I will link some more information here, just in case you want to check it out, I do hope that you can get some answers! -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    2. They have now also done a heart cath. There were no blockages. The cardiologist says that the heart looks to be ok. So I'm thinking either a very hard hit of RA or something else. I was able to run and do pretty much anything a few weeks back. Now I'm having trouble with very easy tasks. Not necessarily looking for answers, but I figured I would update the situation as maybe it would help someone else, or perhaps sound familiar.

      1. , while I am so glad you have no blockages and your heart is ok, I know it can be frustrating to not have an answer as to what's going on. I hope the issues clear up on their own or, barring that, that you and your doctor figure out what's happening and that it's relatively easy to fix. Thank you for updating us!

        Best, Erin, Team Member.

      2. so sorry you are going through so much, its not easy especially when the reason is "unknown" at this time. Glad they did a cath. for you, they cleared that up pretty quick for you with that being done. Did the doctors check your lungs or other areas of your circulatory system throughout your body? Could it be on going anxiety? Just a couple thoughts from me and things that have caused similar problems for me at different times. Please keep at the docs to figure this out for you, it's not easy to be your own advocate but its the best way to get answers. Try to relax and get rest when needed. Sending gentle hugs your way.

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