I've had RA since having Covid in 2020. I was never diagnosed nor tested, but I just knew, since joint pain (mostly fingers) was terrible and it would go away almost completely when sick with something else (cold, flu, etc). I figured this was my immune system being busy with something else. I almost enjoyed being sick because it meant a break from the pain in my hands.
Fast forward to August 2023. I ended up getting tests for RA while in the ER for circulatory issues (fast heart rate, chest pain, fatigue with little exertion). I tested high on Rheumatoid Factor (21) and over 250 on CCP. I had over a week of what seemed like clogged arteries. I couldn't even sit at a desk to type. I took a Stress Echo and the treadmill made me feel like 40 years were added to my age (mid 40s).
So my question, has anyone heard of RA inflammation simulating clogged arteries?