Hi, I am new here. My rheumatologist thinks that I might have RA, but he isn't sure yet. My blood tests are normal, so if I have RA I am seronegative.
I have inflammation in two finger-joints, and that is my only symptom. It started about 6 weeks ago and things have improved since that time. I am able to make a fist now, I couldn't do that a couple of weeks ago.
My finger-joints are still a bit swollen, but they don't hurt much anymore. I don't take medication. I am not tired at all, and I don't experience morning stiffness at all. Rest usually helps. My mother, my grandmother and my great grandmother has/had OA. To me my symptoms sounds more like OA than RA.
I am not looking for a diagnosis online, I will discuss that with my rheumatologist when I see him in October, but I was wondering what other people experienced when they were diagnosed with RA. Did any of you have very mild symptoms in the beginning?