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Rash and burning sensation

I have started to get this rash on both arms same place it does not itch and it looks like it is under the skin
Also about 10 times a day u get this hot sensation on the lower part of my arm
I ra seronegative am on methotrexate and prednisone. Has anyone had anything like this or have any ideas. Please help.

  1. udy78n,
    Thanks for reaching out in our forums and I am so sorry to hear what you are experiencing. While I really hope the community provides you with some feedback, I encourage you to talk to your Dr if you haven't already done so, about this symptom or side effect.
    While skin issues may be associated with RA, see here: you are not alone, many others have expressed frustration when it comes to skin.
    Please reach out if you need anything and touch base and let us know how you are doing.
    Lauren ( Team)

    1. I do get similar symptoms and I am not sure what causes it. It will be good to hear if you got any insights from your doctor.

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