I'm looking for a forum on Rheumatology. Is there one similar to this forum? I have SclerEdema (not scleroderma) with Mucinosis, visible only by subdermal biopsy, no indication on epidermis. I'm also non-diabetic since my last several years of A1-C being from 5.4 to 5.6. Tried Valacylcovir, Cyclosporine, Hydroxychlorine with no improvement. Now doing five month (three sessions a week) Ultraviolet B. And I'm receiving desensitizing shots every two weeks. I'm Atopic, reacting and flaring up to virtually everything, including atmospheric pressure changes, so I'm being profusely secreted with excessive mucin deposition from head to foot, more severely upper body, neck, and, face and entire head. I can also feel some activity involving internal organs. Other than that, my vitals are within normal range. Can I get some advisement here?