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Should you decide to up your meds or should your doctor always be in control

  1. Well, that can sometimes be the million dollar question, ! I personally think it should be a partnership, but, as the patient, I believe you (and every other person living with RA) gets to make the final call. Again, this is just my opinion and other members of this community may have different opinions. I defer to the knowledge and skill of medical doctors, but if a med isn't working for you, that's when you can make the best decision for you and your health.

    If you have discussed the ramifications and possible benefits of upping a medication, then, as long as it is safe, you have that right to make that call. Sometimes, doctors are limited by insurance limitations or medication recommendations, too, so that's something to consider.

    I hope you get more feedback from other community members on this topic!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Thanks Erin
      I to believe in a partnership with your dr or team
      I’m new to Rinvoc as a JAK inhibitor and Lefozimide as a Dmar drug
      I am always hoping that the 3 months for results will be different with me and it would be helpful like yesterday or last week

      1. , I hear you. You just want the meds to work or to know if they're at least making a difference! You just want some relief.

        I hope you start seeing some positive results very soon!

        Best, Erin, Team Member.

    2. Thanks

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