Hi, !
Being sick is the pits, I know. It's worth noting that hydroxychloroquine is not considered and immunosuppressant, but it can make an individual more susceptible to infections and viruses, since it can lower one's white blood cell count. So, it *could* be making it harder for you to chake the cough and congestion. Also, it does seem like there is a particularly annoying cold going around that causes a lingering cough. And getting diagnosed with Strep Throat on top of all that can't be helping your situation.
All that said, many individuals do notice an improvement in symptoms once the medication has a time to kick in. And, our members that are on immunosuppressants or treatments like hydroxychloroquine tend to get used to be extra vigilant during the cold and flu season. So, it stinks that you got diagnosed and started on treatment at the start of the cold and flu season, if that makes sense. While not exactly answering your question, I wanted to share an article on the topic of colds and RA that you might find relatable -- https://rheumatoidarthritis.net/living/when-a-cold-is-not-just-a-cold. Having RA and taking RA medications can make your recovery time from an illness longer, but you definitely *can* get better and stay better! It is possible!
I hope you start feeling much better, especially as we start the new year!
Best, Erin, Team Member.