Hi, ! I am so glad you joined this community! Well, I wish you didn't have need of this community, but I am glad you found us. I like that your physician is being so proactive. It can take some time to adjust to methotrexate (6-8 weeks and up to 6 months to reach full efficacy). And your doctor should monitor you for severe side effects. He may also suggest taking folic acid to counteract some side effects of the medication. You can read some basic info about it here -- https://rheumatoidarthritis.net/treatment/methotrexate. And here's a nice piece that answers a lot of questions people have about methotrexate and RA -- https://creakyjoints.org/about-arthritis/rheumatoid-arthritis/ra-treatment/methotrexate-for-rheumatoid-arthritis-questions/#:~:text=How%20long%20will%20methotrexate%20take,benefits%20of%20taking%20the%20drug.. If you feel like the side effects become unmanageable, please let your doctor know. Also, prednisone can have some strong side effects as well, but many people find that it REALLY helps with the pain and inflammation.
I hope this information helps and please don't hesitate to reach out if you have further questions. We're happy to help in any way we can!
Best, Erin, RheumatoidArthritis.net Team Member.