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Switching from infusion to oral

My husband has rheumatoid arthritis that is now being well controlled on once a month biological infusion treat. But we’d like to explore going on long boat trips that would prohibit getting back to doctor in timely manner. Is there some reason we couldn’t try switching to one of the oral biologics so treatments would not be so restrictive to travel?

  1. Hi, !

    First, I am so glad your husband's RA is well controlled through medication. That's awesome!

    Second, I love that you guys are considering some long term traveling. I mean, why not, if you're healthy and able to do so?

    I would definitely talk with your husband's doctor about switching meds or what options may be open to your husband that don't involve switching treatments. There are reasons a doctor will prescribe an injection or infusion as opposed to oral medications and you will want to talk to your doctor about his/her reasoning. And, it would be a good idea to switch meds (if you choose to switch) well before any planned trip to make sure your husband's body responds well to the switch. You wouldn't want to be stuck out on a boat miles from land if the meds appear to not be working well. I'm sure you know that. And, the only advice I would suggest would be to invest in quality travel insurance in case something goes wrong medically speaking while you're far from home. It could potentially save you thousands of dollars.

    I hope your husband's doctor is open to discussing options with you and your husband so you can travel as you wish!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

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