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Topical voltarin? or other treatment for individual joint pain?

Sometimes only one joint is chronically sore/achy (right now my wrist). Does anyone have suggestions for alleviating some of that localized pain? Rx? compression support? other?

  1. I use several methods. In my own personal experience compression gloves for the hands, maybe ace bandage for the foot/knee, and a combination of lidocaine lotion, lidocaine patches, and something called PennSaid, which is basically like Voltaren but it is much faster acting. Those are the instant remedies I use and some combination of the three usually works to help. If not and worse comes to worse, I have a velcro wrap-around ice pack and a hearing pad that I can use if need be. It's a lot but it's better than being in pain. Let us know if there's anything else we can do to help. Keep on keepin' on, DPM

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