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I have RA for 32 years and my OA has kicked me out. I've noticed I get tremors or shaking in my hands and legs. Say a neurologist and had tests a couple of years ago and the doctor said there isn't parkinsons. I am 78 and wonder why the shaking still occors?

  1. Hi, when you say OA are you referring to osteoarthritis? From context I feel like you are referring to a medical professional. Either way, though, personally, after decades of RA, my hands definitely aren't steady and combined with the medications I take that can cause tremors that do happen at times and my fingers don't listen to what I say. It's frustrating and can really take it's toll - you are not alone in that. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help, hopefully tomorrow will be a lower pain day. Keep on keepin' on, DPM

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