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Unbearable foot pain

Apparently X-rays show severe damage to my toes, probably osteoarthritis. Have had cortisone in my toe joints once and it was amazing. My rheumatologist doesn’t like giving those injections because it is so difficult to find the joint to inject. He gives me steroid injections in my arm hoping they will help. But this last time did not help at all.
The foot pain is now spreading to the top of my right foot, but left is toes and ball of foot.
Wondering if I should look elsewhere for joint injections, surgery, or just live with it.
I’m taking Rinvoq and it has helped my fatigue and swelling, so don’t want to quit that and two many side effects from Methotrexate, hydrochloroquine and flu(? ) can’t remember the name. Have been on two biological as well. They didn’t help.

  1. Hi I'm really sorry you're having so much trouble with your toes. It's tricky because I can't share any medical advice and your doctor would be the best to have a discussion with about what you wrote. But I wanted to share one of our most popular articles on foot pain ( One of the tips here mentions talking with your rheumatologist about visiting a podiatrist. Is that something you want to consider? Please don't give up! Warmly, - Reggie, team member

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