New to the group - Hi!
Have had RA for about 2 years - MTX 20mg/week + Plaquenil + various "alternatives" too (Omega 3, Curcumin, flax seed oil, Vit D3...) - I'd consider it reasonably steady-state - stiffness and some pain still there but not getting worse.
Had a visit with Dr this week - I mentioned that the standard questions we all have to answer before our appts don't cover weakness in the metacarpophalangeal joints (where your fingers meet your palm). I have good strength in my arms and don't have a major issue with opening large-mouth jars because I can use my whole hand and fingers - I am dexterous enough to not have a problem buttoning or tying. Where I have a problem is small turning strength like opening a small lid water bottle or turning the key in my car or holding a plate or a frying pan... Now here's my issue - Doc basically blew off my concern and said that I need exercise to improve my upper body strength. I tried to discuss and say my arms and shoulders are strong and that isn't the issue I'm having - it isn't even a weakness in my wrist but is just the specific motion where there is weight on the side of my pointer finger. She nearly cut me off and said that if I have stronger arms it would solve the problem.
Frankly, I don't get the connection - am I missing something?