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Use of Hadlima

Does anyone have any side effects from this biologic?

  1. Hi, ! I don't have any personal experience with this latest Humira biosimilar, so I hope some members that may have tried it see your question and chime in here. It stands to reason that it may have similar side effects to Humira. And, reviewing both Humira and Hadlima potential side effects, that appears to be the case. You may already be aware of Hadlima's side effects, but I wanted to share this link as well, just to be safe -- I hope this helps and I hope to hear from community members that may have tried Hadlima!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Hi . On top of the excellent information from Erin, I want to share with you this Forum conversation moderated by our health leader L. Rick Phillips on experiences with biosimilars: This is not specifically on Hadlima, but offers a lot of good information on the nature of biosimilars and how they have to match up with the original reference drug. I can also tell you that, while Hadlima is brand new to the U.S. market (which may hinder getting replies from the community), it has been available in Europe since 2018, Canada since February 2021, and Australia since April 2021 (see:, so there is some track record for it. Also, this article details a study comparing Hadlima to Humira and finding "No treatment emergent issues or clinically relevant immunogenicity issues occurred in patients between the different treatments:" Hope this information is helpful. Best, Richard ( Team)

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