Well after a long wait (3month) I am sat in rheumatology awaiting my appointment .. my symptoms have eased dramatically over the past 2 weeks . My concern now is that my diagnosis will be missed or even discounted...
deanbyrom Member
As predicted I have been discounted as having RA. I could literally cry.... The consultant raised my hands above my head did push pull tests and felt my joints for heat. He then proceded to tell me to ignore what I read on the Internet and forums such as this as its only talk and only professionals like him can diagnose. He did send me for blood tests after I told him I didn't drink or smoke. What now ... more waiting and just carry on with the GP prescribed medication. I'm at a complete loss....
Erin Rush Community Admin
, I am so sorry you are still without a diagnosis. I know that must be incredibly frustrating! Ugh. Did he give any other details as to why he felt you didn't have RA? Also, I hope the bloodwork shows something, whether it's RA or another condition.
Hang in there. I know it's hard, but you are your own best advocate! I hope your persistence pays off!
Thanks Erin... so frustrating knowing how much pain I was in a few weeks ago...
L rick Phillips Moderator & Contributor
I am sorry it did not work out as hoped. The consultant is correct in one way. You should likely only listen to a rheumatologist to accurately diagnose a rheumatology condition. Now that does not mean other doctors cannot read the tea leaves and give advice. A PCP told me once I likely had RA. It took several years to get there but eventually, I was DX'd with RA. He saw something others did not.
I suggest you keep your future appointments or try a different Rheumatologist. One nut does not tell the value of the tree. ....rick