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Weight loss

Can rheumatoid arthritis cause weight loss

  1. Hi . Weight loss can often be an early sign/symptom of RA (see: Some treatments, particularly steroids, often lead to weight gain, but as noted in this article from the Arthritis Foundation, "Being underweight can certainly be a problem for people with RA. The same pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF, that damage the joint tissue in people with RA can also lead to weight loss, muscle wasting and weakness:" Of course, the weight loss could have other causes, so it is important to discuss the issue with your doctor. Hoping you get some answers soon. Best, Richard ( Team)

    1. After thirty years or so of RA I am no longer surprised at the things it causes. I have been subject to both weight gain and wight loss due to the RA and its surrounding effects. A lot of times when I am going through a flare-up, it may not cause weight loss directly but since I just feel like crap and a bit nauseous it just makes me not eat and causes weight loss as a secondary effect. Also, some of the medications I took had a side effect of curbing the appetite. There are so many ways RA can affect your weight that I wouldn’t be surprised, frankly. Let us know if there’s anything else we can do to help and check out that article that Richard recommended! Keep on keepin’ on, DPM

      1. ty

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