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What can I do to prevent more damage to my fingers

My little fingers & thumbs have become crooked & quite painful

  1. Zeus: I am so sorry that has happened. I also have four very bent fingers, and wow are they ever painful some days.

    Your question is about how to stop more from happening. I am afraid that to the best of my knowledge you cannot. Unless you can get the disease activity under control. The path is fairly clear, see your rheumatologist regularly, Do what is suggested, do the labs, and be the squeaky wheel.

    The way I have found is medicine. It will not stop overnight. But know this, every bit that you lose in joint flexibility never comes back. It is best to not waste even a day.

    1. crooked fingers can be frightening because our fingers have to do so many things. in my case it's quite troubling because i live alone and have to do things myself. sometimes the crooked fingers combine with weaker hands and that's frustrating. i also sew and draw, so i need those crooked fingers to function. the RA meds are always a crap shoot. we can never tell whether or not they will work until we take them for awhile. i've been on all of them, and i now take rinvoq, which is actually working. it's the first one to give me hope. when i need to do something i shouldn't do ... like put together a bakers' rack (i just did that), i wear those gloves that provide some extra support for my fingers. however, RA, like other chronic diseases, is a world of surprises. it's best to make peace with that and do the best we can with what we have. acceptance helps me move forward and find contentment. this is 40 years of multiple chronic diseases speaking, so i hope what i have learned can help a little bit.

      1. , I think your perspective and advice are spot on. It's really hard to prevent the damage RA can cause, and treatments (conventional and otherwise) can help, but, as you mentioned, it's kind of a roll of the dice as to whether they work or not.

        I am glad Rinvoq is working well for you and I hope it continues to show positive results for you!

        Best, Erin, Team Member.

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