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Which wheelchair or other product is best for independence?

Brand, electric or other apparatus.

  1. Hi ! I'm hoping our community members here with experience around wheelchairs or similar products will be able to chime in with some insight and perhaps recommendations for you. I do hope you had a restful weekend! -Alesandra ( Team)

    1. Thank you!

      1. Hi northlake. My wife, Kelly Mack (a contributor here), was diagnosed at two, has had juvenile RA for over forty years and has used a wheelchair since her teens. Most of this time she has used a motorized chair, although she has always had a manual as well, as it is necessary at times. She wrote this article about the decision to begin using a motorized chair and the difference it has made in her life: As far as what products would be best for you, this can depend largely on your needs and situation. Kelly has had multiple motorized wheelchairs over the years (in fact, she just got a new one). The process involved a discussion with the doctor and meetings with a physical therapist and a representative from a wheelchair vendor for assessing needs, fitting, and choosing an appropriate make and model of chair. A person's home situation in terms of accessibility and other community accessibility concerns can also play a part. In addition to motorized and manual chairs, Kelly also has a walker with arm rests which is mostly for physical therapy, but can be used for general mobility (very short distances) in a pinch. Your doctors should be able to discuss what they see as your needs and begin the discussion as to what devices might best meet them. Wishing you the best. Richard ( Team)

        1. Thank you so much for your thoughts! I am trying to come to terms with this eventually and how to go about picking a chair. Thanks

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