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Does anyone suffer from cervical pain?

  1. Sorry to hear you are having these difficulties with cervical pain QTPie. You certainly are not alone with this issue. This article from our editorial team looks at cervical spine pain and stiffness: Also, thought you might be interested in this article from one of our contributors on his experience with neck issues: Wishing you the best. Richard ( Team)

    1. Yes, cervical spinal stenosis, degerative disc disease (cervical) I just started Epidural injections which don't seem to be working.

      1. Injections help some and not others, depend on the severity. I have learned they are short lived. The more people I discuss this with the more I hear an unsuccessful result. I keep hoping.

      2. PT was not helpful for me either. Heat helps the soul That and a nice cup of tea. Good luck.

    2. Thank you. I am very glad I found you all.

      1. I'm sorry QTPie! I am also suffering from lumbar spine pain right now and definitely understand the frustration (as do many of our community). In addition to the articles Richard shared, I thought you might enjoy this one on one of our contributor's journey with Physical Therapy.

        I hope you find some relief soon and please keep us updated. Thinking of you, Monica ( Team)

        1. Thank you for your encouraging words. I will read that article !

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