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How did you react when you were first diagnosed?

  1. I was surprised because at the time, I thought only old folks got arthritis, and I was only 31. I was glad to know what was causing all my joint pain, though. My doctor, an internist, didn't tell me much about RA. If I'd known then what I know now, I'd have been a lot more worried!

    1. Thanks Wren for sharing your diagnosis with us! We are glad to have you share your RA journey with us! Gentle Hugs, Lauren ( Team)

  2. Frankly there were mixed first, because of how long it took to diagnose, I was relieved that I finally knew what was going on. That said, as I looked into what RA was, the specific details, prognosis, treatments, etc. I was scared and sad all at once. I think I knew, even then, that my life had changed forever. What I was going to do about that, remained to be seen...

    1. Nan, thanks for sharing with us! I know you aren't alone in journey to a long diagnosis- we are always glad when you share your perspective and journey with us. Gentle Hugs, Lauren ( Team)

  3. When I was diagnosed at the age of 22, the predominant feeling I had was fear. I was afraid of how having an uncurable disease would impact the rest of my life. I was afraid it would impact my future career, my ability to have children, my mobility, and even worried about my appearance. This also led to some mild depression, as I was a senior in college and I had to postpone my final semester and graduation until my medical treatment plan kicked in.

    That was almost 18 years ago, and fortunately I have been able to do everything I really wanted to do (complete a master's degree, have a career, and have children), however this has often been on a different time table than it would have been without a chronic health condition. RA/RD has slowed me down at times, but it hasn't stopped me.

    1. At first I was a bit confused about what was happening to me. Between the pain, loss of movement and stress of the unknown future I fired up the computer and did probably the worst thing a person could do, Google RA.
      For the first several months of getting the meds to the right recipe I started putting on weight and doing almost nothing other than making it through the day at the office.
      After that things just got worse. You could say depression mixed with a double brandy cocktail to to help make the after work stress less sharp.
      One day about 3 years after the news of my future life, my daughter introduced me to running. I have been running for 5 years now, slowly, but stil moving forward.

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