Waiting and waiting with pain
This did not work for me as my pain got even worse, so three weeks later I increased it back up. This has not helped at all. So I called my family doctor and had a phone visit. I go in for an intra-articular ultrasound-guided injection of cortisone on January 5, 2021.
Experiencing RA side effects
During this time and before October I have had a lightheadedness episode. They weren't too bad until early December I had a severe one on a Sunday. On Monday I had another one not quite as bad on the stairs which reminded me to call my family doctor. This is the call that I also told him about my hip pain.
RA impacts my blood pressure
I had to record my blood pressure for am, pm, and when episodes would happen for a few days and then send that info to him. I was called and booked in for an appointment with him and he did numerous blood pressure recordings, both arms sitting, standing, and on a stretcher.
He had also asked me to see how my head was positioned during a spell and I realized I had tipped my head up. Apparently, my blood pressure was dropping at this time. He ordered a CT Scan with contrast which I had on December 28, 2020, and had to delay my Simponi injection to the 29th.
Now I am waiting for the hip procedure on January 5th, 2021 and for a report from my doctor on the CT Scan.
Medicine impacts everyone differently
So far Simponi has not helped me at all, which I have sent a message to my rheumatologist on Monday, December 28th, 2020 with pictures of my hands. I am waiting to hear from them. My next appointment with them is February 2, 2021.
Blessings and prayers for a better new year,
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