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Isn't there others that want to talk about your life of RA!

Its miserable for me would like to talk about it with others that are suffering like me?

  1. I do talk about it. I have a support group on FB that split off a forum like this because it wasn't healthy for us. But I am willing to start a conversation here....I have been miserable with this crazy illness for about three to four years ago, depending on what you consider my first symptoms...within 13 months of diagnosis I was taken off my job and placed on the disability waiting list....How I hate waiting. In the mean time I didn't have an income(still waiting, so still no income), have lost mobility and usefulness....and ended up having bariatric surgery to get some weight off my joints as they were screaming at me. My disease still isn't in remission or even completely controlled.

    I get the feelings of misery you are facing right now....I'm willing to listen if you want to talk.....Marianne

    1. I'm going thru the same thing it effects my whole life my relationship and every other aspects of my life I finally after 3 years with help of a lawyer got approved for disability after being
      Denied and appealing for 3 years so now I have a little income not near enough to take care of me and three children that are 4, 5 aand 8 I feel like the worst mother cause I'm in pain all the time so I'm not happy most of the time but put on a fake smile to give them some kind of normal since they always see me in pain and always askbifvim ok I yell them yes but I'm not my partner of 6 years is overwelmed from working full time then coming home snd then coming home and being a care giver I feel like anytime now she is going to get sick of it and lesve then ill lose my kids cause I can barely take care of myself nevermind 3 kids I have been suffering with joint pain for years since I was a teen but no one not even Dr would listen finally 4 years ago I had a bad flsre up and went to the er found a dr that didn't think I was crazy and gave me a referral to a RA dr thst did the blood work and my inflammation levels and ra factor were thru the roof I'm 28 and hsve had two back surgeries neck and shoulder surgery due to my RA attacking and ruining my body I judg feel so alone because nobody understands my wife is the best person I could ever ask for but she is overwelmed I think she needs to join a caregivers support group but she is a private person plus will never even talk to me about the way she feels so I hsve pain all day everyday plus all the stress that comes with it 🙁 just want to talk to other people that are suffering from the disease like me

      1. I'm typing with my phone so a lot of stuff looked scrambled its the phone not me so hope you understood all that

        1. Sarah, Sounds like RA has put you through the ringer. I'm glad you found a place to vent a little frustration on this website and there's lots of people here are have similar experiences and can relate. Have you looked into support groups in your area? The Arthritis Foundation may have such a group. Or there may be general support groups for those living with chronic illness. Hang in there. Andrew

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