I totally understand that grueling time on your feet! That's what kicked off all of my issues long before diagnosis. I'm flat-footed and used to run around big hospital for 13 hr shifts. I never sat down because it hurt SO much worse if I got back up. I knew that I was going to end up with surgery. And boy was I right! Ya see, at the time I/doctors just assumed it was plain ole osteoarthritis since its prevalent in family. Anyway,,,I went in to have a hammer toe fixed. Little did I know that I wouldn't be able to wear a normal shoe for 2 yrs! 4 total surgeries on one area. It wouldn't fuse together. RA was not considered at the time. In addition to the severing of same nerves, it's left my r foot partially numb. So now I can't drive, can't work. If I'd only considered RA earlier I could have avoided the robbery of my life.
I'm sorry this is not giving you answers. I am just whining.
Of course the obvious things I'm sure you already know. (Good shoes,, weight,,,rest). But I would highly recommend a. Podiatrist. Definitely.