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Burning feet

I was diagnosed RA after meniscus surgery . Of course the usual ,prednisone. After rheumatologist did their blood work and basically only found rheumatoid factor of 17 on the range of 0-14. Afterwards started on 4-2.5 methotrexate. 6 weeks later had me stop the prednisone and increased MTX to 6-2.5 mg. 3 weeks later had me go to 7-2.5 mg . After going to six MTX , my right foot got to burning in evening after taking shoes off and showering . Since it was in the winter and we had snow on , I would walked bare footed 200 ft to end of driveway and back . Got relief from that . Rheumatologist had me back on prednisone for 2 weeks and then wanted me to call her . I did and the 2 weeks of prednisone made no difference. She thought it was unrelated to RA. Had me go for an EMG and a muscle response test ,for lack of the proper name for it . By the time I had those tests done both feet were doing the burning . Very seldom during the day. By the way I was pretty much back to normal from the flare , after 2 months of the meds , but left with the burning feet issue . Been 2 years and 1 months of the burning feet issue. Was then referred to foot surgeon . Only thing he came up with after X-Ray an examine ,was tight calf muscles . Went for PT. Had me doing the exercises and standing on incline board . A little better ,but still burning . I go to gym 3 times a week and workout on 12 weight machines. One is calf extension. I exhausted the Dr route and went to wider shoes, various sole inserts etc. Next i bought for separator socks . Wear in evenings and get immediate relief . Sorry for being so wordy . Anyone else deal with this ? Never an issue ,prior to the RA flare . Just curious . Thank you

  1. Oops I meant to add to the above post , that I was gradually reduced back to 3-2.5 mg MTX . I was having a hangover feeling each morning, when on 7. I was advised by rheumatologist to take the covid shot and to skip the following Satur dose . Well I skipped that dose and the following Saturday also. Felt like a new person and it wasnt taking me half the morning to wake up . So the next 2 Saturdays i only took 5 . I had an appointment coming up after the 2 weeks that I took 5. Rheumatologist said I can tell you are doing fine . She advised to take 5 the following 2 weeks and go to 4 . Come back in 3 months . I did and she said very rarely does she ever go prescribed 3 , but to take 3 and come back for n 3 months . She left me on 3 and I have been on 3 since last May. No flares and doing great ,other than burning feet .

    1. Hi . How awesome that you are doing well on a lower dose of methotrexate. Did your doctor prescribe folic acid with it? Methotrexate depletes folic acid and can leave you feeling very fatigued, so it is important to supplement. Burning sensations are usually associated with nerve damage or impingement. Have you seen a neurologist at all? If not, you might want to ask for a referral. I hope you get some answers and some relief. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

  2. Yes I am on Leucoverin 5 mg ,12 hours after taking MTX. I was also on folic acid for 2 months this past fall ,but was told to stop it ,as it made no difference . Did see a neurologist, but did not come up with anything . He prescribed gabapentin which stopped the burning , but that would only mask whatever was causing the burning ,according to him. Took it 4 nights and had horrible nightmares . So no more of it. I am more than anything curious if any others had this burning . Crazy how the burning started after going on MTX. I may stop the MTX for a couple months ,just out of curiosity , but will only do so after I see rheumatologist again in May. My new PCP ordered numerous other blood tests ,but nothing came up out of line . I mentioned to my previous PCP that I read B12 deficiency could cause this . Her response was "" well I see you have been reading Dr Google and said to come back in 4 months ". Which I responded that I live in this body 24 hours a day ,7 days a week and just trying to help myself ,as not one specialist could help me . Needless to say she was fired . My new PCP is so much better . Been seeing him year and a half. Thank you for your input .

    1. Hi . You were on a pretty low dose of prednisone and it looks like you were on a break from it when the burning started, but I want to point out that prednisone can cause a burning in the feet (see: as well as numerous other sites). I'm also guessing that you have seen that methotrexate can cause nerve issues, although I'll caution that some of the side effects noted for it are in relation to cancer treatment, which is significantly higher dosage.
      I also want to note that a number of autoimmune related conditions can cause burning in the feet - from Sjogren's syndrome to "burning foot syndrome." Of course, we are not medical personnel and cannot, for your safety, over medical advice over the internet, but a rheumatologist should be able to provide additional information and diagnostics. You have been at this for quite some time and if you don't think you are being heard don't hesitate to seek a second opinion. Hoping you get some answers soon and please feel free to keep us posted. Best, Richard ( Team)

  3. My Rheumatoid Factor was 243. I was put on Methotrexate as well and has not helped bring the number down much.

    1. Hi , we appreciate you joining the conversation here. Have you been on Methotrexate long? I ask because it can take awhile for symptoms to start to improve. Otherwise, does your doctor have a plan for something else to try to help get your numbers down? -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    2. Hi . One thing that doctors often don't do a great job of explaining is that, while rheumatoid factor is useful in the diagnostic process, it is not an indicator of disease activity or severity. As noted on this article on the topic "It’s important to note that once the RF level is elevated, it will often remain so even if the disease goes into remission:" How are your inflammation numbers, such as CRP or SED rate doing? Hoping your symptoms are improving. Best, Richard ( Team)

  4. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in 2013. I was working at a job where I was on my feet for 12 shifts and my feet would burn so bad. One morning I woke up and my middle finger on left hand was swollen stiff and so painful. I made a Dr appointment as soon as the Dr saw me her first words where “ I am positive you have rheumatoid arthritis. Let’s do bloodwork and we will call you in a few days.” She was absolutely right! After getting my results I still remember going home and crying for days not wanting to get out of bed.I live life pretty normal for several years after finding out. An occasional flare-up but always burn feet! Two years ago my RA has progressed aggressively. Failed marriage, unable to hold a job, lost home car, my mobility most days l, have isolated myself from the world as much as I could. Sorry I am very wordy also! I never brought up my burning feet to my rheumatologist because I just assumed it was just another wonderful gift that rheumatoid arthritis has given me! Shannon

    1. , I know your comment was meant for , but I wanted to chime in here. First, please don't feel like you ever need to apologize for how you write here. This community understands that describing RA's impact on one's life can be complex and challenging. Wordiness is not something we frown upon here! 😉

      I am so sorry RA has taken so much from you. Do you have stable, safe housing right now? Please don't feel like you have to answer such a personal question if you would rather not.

      And, while you may be isolating from the outside world, I am glad you are here and that you are a part of this community. Please know we're glad to have you as a member (although we wish no one had need of a community like this one).

      Thank you for commenting here and let us know how you're doing this weekend, if you feel comfortable sharing.

      Best, Erin, Team Member.

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