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cbd oil

does anybody know how long it takes for cbd oil no thc to help pain and inflammaton?

  1. Hi, ! This is a great question and it's really dependent on a few factors -- delivery method, dosage, and individual response to the product. If you are taking it topically (like in a lotion), it should take affect pretty quickly. If you are ingesting the product, some individuals notice the effects within 30-90 minutes, while others don't notice any improvements for up to two weeks or they never see an improvement in symptoms. Also, each person responds to any treatment uniquely, so it's hard to predict how one's body will react to a new treatment.

    Your best bet is to always talk with your physician before starting any new treatment. Also, a trusted pharmacist can be a good source of knowledgeable input.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. , I use the CBD tinctiure and find it helps in about an hour by relaxing my joints and reducing the pain. At night I take the THC tincture as well, and that helps me sleep through the night (mostly) and not repeatedly wake with aching joints.

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