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Chest Pain

Anyone have pain in their chest from RA. My sternum is tender all of the time.

  1. Yes I do...

    1. I am sorry you're experiencing chest pain. Unfortunately, it is common with RA. Here is more insight that may be helpful: - Warmly, Reggie, team member

  2. I started having costochondritis in my early 20s, wasn't diagnosed with RA until age 51. When my RA flairs, so does my costochondritis.
    Mary Sophia

    1. I have had chronic costochondritis for approximately 15 years. It is a never ending source of pain for me that has had a major effect on my life. Sometimes steroid injections in my ribs helps. Any stress or flares can cause it to flare up and when I get sick with something that gives you body aches, it really hits my ribs.

      Kristen S

      1. I wonder if that is what I have? I have RA. I have had chest pain and inflammation. Doctors kept telling me I had chronic lung infection but no evidence of it.

        1. , you can definitely ask your doctor if costochondritis might be the source of your pain. Either way, I hope you get some answer AND relief from the pain! It can be so uncomfortable, can't it?

          Best, Erin, Team Member.

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