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Kelly Dabel Community Admin
Last Updated:
Some common RA symptoms include, fatigue, pain, swelling, inflammation, joint tenderness, joint stiffness, weakness, fever, redness, soreness, aching and generally feeling sick. Swelling is a symptom that may lead to joint damage over time, even more so than pain. If you have any new, changing or concerning symptoms, speak with your doctor right away.
Erin Rush Community Admin
Last Updated:
Since Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease, it can affect many different parts of the body. Therefore, while there are some 'common symptoms', it is not unusual for an individual to have a variety of other symptoms that may not be as typical. The most widely recognized symptom would be involving the joints of the body (frequently, but not excluded to, hands and feet). This involvement can include swelling, pain, stiffness, and inflammation. To receive an accurate diagnosis of RA, one must have certain tests administered by a physician. Here is some information on the testing protocol for RA -- Also, here is a more comprehensive list of possible RA symptoms --
Lauren Tucker Community Admin
Last Updated:
One of the most common symptoms of RA is pain in the hands and joints in the hands. Fatigue is another common symptom associated with RA as well as stiffness and soreness. You can read more here on RA symptoms: