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Confused with symptoms and Dx

I see my Dr again in May but have a few symptoms I'm not sure is they're related to RA.
My diagnosis is polyarthropathy which is several joint pains related to RA, OA, bursitis. Anyone have a dx of this?
Lately I've been off balance esp on uneven walkway, getting up from chair and if I change directions while walking. I stumbled the other day and fell, nothing hurt but I'm wondering if anyone has had any of these symptoms.
I will be addressing them with my Dr at next appt.

  1. Hello there , thanks for reaching out with us. I hope that others may chime in with personal experiences with these symptoms and Polyarthropathy. We understand how frustrating it can be to be having pains and symptoms, but not fully know what's causing them- you're definitely not alone. Polyarthropathy, RA and OA can have many overlapping symptoms with each other which makes it even more challenging to detect what's what. We are glad to hear that you're planning to address this with your Doctor at your next appointment- perhaps writing down the symptoms you experience from now until your appointment may be helpful? We hope that you're able to find some relief in the near future, and please do keep us updated. Wishing you well. -Ashley ( Team Member)

    1. Thanks Ashley. I am fairly new to this going on 2 years. I have been writing down all symptoms, questions,etc to discuss with Dr

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