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Dexamethasone ( Steroid) side effects - Prednisone like

Hi, so finally a doctor prescribed me with a pill form steroid called Dexamethasone because I am allergic to Prednisone. The side effects are interesting in a way and just wondering if anyone else has these while taking their Steroid. Hyperactivity, Mood Swing in a split second (mostly gitty) but still can switch quick. Bad insomnia, but feel wide awake. It's helping everything it's suppose to for I am feeling overall better, just curious if this is normal. Thanks

  1. I don’t think I’ve had that steroid - at least not orally. The side effects sound difficult. Are they expected to wear off w time?

    1. and Thank you both for responding. Even though I was diagnosed with RA abt 25yr+, the immediate allergic reaction to Prednisone has kept my doctors leery of prescribing steroids (shots are okay) until this last year. This is only my 2nd time having to use this medication. The first time, 10 months ago, I was in the hospital for 5 days and was watched like a hawk for reactions with a 10 days at home after. This is when the effects happened. Currently prescribed the Dexamethasone 6mg once a day, for a 10 day period, just finishing my 3rd day ready for a 4th dose as I write. Not noticing to many side effects this time so far, but my RA Lungs are not as bad as they were before, a little gitty, insomnia has worsened a little. Thank you for letting me know that I am normal. LOL The mood changing, if they arrive again, was "depressive moods" no anger thank goodness. On a good note, it is giving me some relief through out my body. Yeah! Guess with this go around, I will just have to be vigilant and go with the flow. Thanks so much again for your responses, grateful for you all!

  2. Hi . Unfortunately, those sound like the typical side effects of most steroids. It's important to recognize that mood swings might happen so you can address them when they do, especially if you become irritable and snap at others (Giddy sound much more pleasant!). Will you be on them much longer? Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

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