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I have been diagnosed as Palindromic RA for 6 years now on hydroxychloriquine which worked in the beginning and alleviated all my systems but not so much now. Apparently my inflammatory markers are not high enough to be on Methotrexate. My worst symptom is my feet I cannot put pressure on the ball of my feet and cant flex my feet properly to walk. I have shoe inserts and have now been recommended for orthotics. My doctor says it's not RA in my feet!! But what else is it??

  1. Hi . Are you seeing a rheumatologist? I ask because they have specialized training in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disease and systemic autoimmune conditions. Rheumatology is not a required rotation for med students, so many doctors do not have much training in the area. If you feel you RA is not controlled, don't hesitate to advocate on your own behalf or seek another opinion.
    Is there a specific reason your doctor thinks that the issues with your feet are not RA? This article from our editorial team gives an overview of how RA can impact the feet: I can tell you that regardless of the cause, a podiatrist and properly made orthotics can make a world of difference. My wife, Kelly Mack (a contributor here), was diagnosed at age two, almost 45 years ago - before modern treatments, with the damage to show for it. Due to the damage to Kelly's feet, she cannot walk with bare feet, but she can with proper shoes thanks to the help of her podiatrist. Hoping you can get some answers and relief soon. Please feel free, if you like, to keep us posted on how you are doing. People here understand. Best, Richard ( Team)

    1. thank you for reaching out. I am sorry you are experiencing such pain in your feet. I have attached two articles below that I have written on RA and foot pain. Also, my experience with orthotics.

      I personally wear custom orthotics and good quality shoes. I still have foot pain, but it has helped tremendously. I hope this information is helpful to you. I see my teammate Richard also sent a great article to you too.
      Keep Advocating for yourself!!! Please keep us posted. Wishing you relief from pain, increased overall foot mobility, and some answers as to what is going on.
      Just Keep Swimming....Lynn Marie, " Team Member"

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