well, because of RA and other issues that brought things on really bad I had to go on a year of sick leave then retire. I couldn't be living on my own and couldn't afford the rent too. I moved in with my daughter and her family. I pay them R&B monthly. My income is OAS and my CPP here in Ontario, Canada. Now, for name brand meds I utilize drug cards, Innovicares, Pfizer and a RX Drug card. They all help to keep my drug cost way down. Now for the DMards and Biologics, they are way to expensive for me. So, our OHIP drug plan has an agency that you have to qualify for and they dispense and deliver the drugs to me/us for no cost. Now, for over the counter supplements, which I have many that the Doctors want me taking so that is where my cost comes in. Which is an estimate of $150. - 200. per month.
In otherwords, I use as much resources as I can.