Got my results explained on Friday. RF IgA was 98.7; RF IgG was 31.1; RF IgM was <1.0. ALL of these were supposed to be <20.0. All ANA results were within normal range. The Dr. seemed TOTALLY FOCUSED on RA only.
During my test results phone call and the explanation appt (approx 3 weeks) being concerned, I did some "Dr. Googling" and saw on the Mayo Clinic site that elevated RF readings can indicate a multitude of diseases/illnesses or even NOTHING at all. This Rheumatologist, as I said seemed totally focused on no other possibility beyond RA. Even AFTER I mentioned my ongoing back problems (something that I've dealt with periodically since age 19, with no "official" diagnosis until 2012 (at age 4😎 when it was discovered that I had a herniated disc. I mean I'm not LOOKING for an illness/disease, but with 2 high results, I'm not certain I'm being given the most accurate information. Any input would be greatly appreciated! TIA