I am allergic to preservatives. Problems with medications: Raw mouth - bleeding
Canker sores in my mouth and cold sores on lips. Stomatitis
Drooling – couldn’t stop it.
Bad Acid Reflux – I couldn’t drink or eat anything cold. It hurt too much to swallow. Taking medication or eating was a chore. GERD I don’t have normally.
Medication to stop acid reflux; made me constipated. Maybe the RA medication made me constipated but this medication did not help.
I never once went to the bathroom without an enema. All the laxatives and anything you gave me did not work.
I went off a couple of the medications because my mouth hurt too much and I was in too much pain but not arthritic pain.
I felt very sick and very shaky. I couldn’t stop shaking especially if I were trying to walk.
I needed help dressing, getting in and out of bed or out of a chair. Had very little ability to walk. I used a cane and then switched to crutches.
Gradually, the swelling went down and so did the pain from RA and my strength came back gradually. The RA medication was helping the swelling and pain but the side effects caused me great pain.
I lost 20 lbs. Always exhausted and I’ve lost most of my hair.
My digestive tract is now working again but I had to eat a very high fibre breakfast and 3 Tbls of mineral oil every three days. Now it is working fine. I have been off medication for a couple of months and am now having a flare-up. I had taken Methotrexate, Leflunomide, Defamethaszse, and Prednisone. They made me sick.
My Rheumatologist just gave me PMS-Sulfasalazine that I have started today. Has anyone had these problems and how were they solved?