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Has anyone had infusions used Rituxan or any other medicine. How was it? Sure could use some discussion. Very dscared to have it.

  1. I have had several different infusions. One being rituxan. I suffered horribly migraines while on this drug which is why I stopped it. There are many different biologics on the market and everyone reacts differently but that was my experience. I’m on Simponi injections now and though it took several months to get any affect it did finally start working. Good luck.

    1. Hi, ! I just wanted to chime in and share with you two forums where members have shared their experience with Rituxan. I think you may find it insightful as you wait for others to share their experience. You can access the forums here,, and There are also articles attached to those forums with additional information about this infusion. I hope all of this helps! Kindly, Latoya (Team Member)

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