I try my best to be gentle to myself in the morning. I retired around the time of my RA diagnosis and began what I call "My commute to the couch". When possible, I do not schedule appointments before 10:00am. Discomfort usually gets me out of bed by 7:00am. I move to the couch and snuggle into a warm afghan with my favorite morning TV show. After about an hour I make my coffee and a simple, but nutritious breakfast, which I take back to the couch. By about 9:00 I am ready to start moving. I actually find emptying the dishwasher a good way to move various muscles and get me started. Then I get myself ready for the day. I find for me, if I lay about past 9:00 I don't gain much physically. It is better for me to get up and move a little. But, honestly, there are a few days where I realize by 11:00 another rest period is in order. I realize I am blessed to no longer be working. Before retirement, mornings were the worst! I had to budget time for a long, warm shower to get me moving. I would literally limp into my office hoping for relief as mid-morning came on. For those of you still braving the commute to work, raising children or working from home, I wish for comfort and energy to carry you through. Jo