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What is your experience with motorcycles and RA?

RA and motorcycles, do they mix?

Good day RA folks. In days of old I used to ride motorcycles, my wife on back and the road in front, no cares as long as we returned before Monday. These were BC days, BC = Before Children. I have ridden a couple times in the past 38 years, none recently.

My older sister let me know that she had arthritis in high school, and she told me I did also. Didn’t know because my life always was in pain. So these days my hips, back, (been broken and lots of spurs, also neck), shoulders, elbows and wrists joints are angry with me. By the time they calm down half the day is gone.

In the past when my back hurt I used to jump on my hog and take a ride. About a half hour later all my pain was gone and life was great. My sweet wife asked me if she should rent a hog for a few days for us to take a ride on, to see where the highway goes.

Do RA people have their pain reduced on bikes, or does it get so bad they cannot ride?

Awaiting an answer, Love your site, informative,
tony williams

  1. Hi Tony. Yours is a very interesting question. I can't speak specifically to riding a motorcycle with RA, but I can say that many find staying active very helpful, as well as the psychological boost of doing something one enjoys. I suspect it depends largely on the individual and their level of disease - do you have the grip? Can your joints take any pounding on bad roads? The flip side is, as you point out, the possibility the ride will make you feel better. One of our contributors, Michael, used to be an acrobat and do stunt work (including on motorcycles) prior to RA. You can check out his story and links to his articles here: Your doctor may have some thoughts on whether your RA is well enough controlled for riding to be safe. Hopefully some others will chime in their thoughts. If you are on Facebook you may want to checkout our page and post your question there as well ( Wishing you the best. Richard ( Team)

    1. I rode a Suzuki 650 for a long time but, eventually it became to heavy for me. It was hard to stop and hold the bike upright. My ankles and knees hurt and I was sacred I was going to dump it at traffic lights. Walking is hard and sometimes it feels as if my ankles don't bend. So, I sold it and bought a Vespa 50 cc scooter. It was lighter but not the same. I rode the scooter for the last seven years. This year I made the decision to sell that and not ride anymore. It all had to do with losing strength and not being able to bend my ankle. I miss them both very much and the fun I had. Now, I ride on the back of my boyfriends bike. It's not fun. The cold air makes my joints hurt and makes everything stiff even when I wear the chaps, gloves and warmer clothes. In case your wondering I'm 57 and have been riding since I was a teenager. My first car was actually a motorcycle.

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