If I could go back in time to when I was first seeking a diagnosis, there are 2 pieces of advice I would give myself.
1. Seek a new doctor sooner - there are great ones in your future.
2. Find a way to gently move everyday - even when all you want to do is lie on the couch.
9 years into my RA journey, I seem to finally have found an effective drug treatment plan. My joint symptoms, fatigue and sleep are improving. I still have pain. I get tendinitis easily. I believe much of it is due to de-conditioning, with loss of flexibility and strength, from years of uncontrolled RA inflammation and inactivity. I am relying on years of PT and Adaptive Yoga classes to very slowly increase my fitness. For me, this means gentle pool, elliptical, yoga and PT exercises.
I have to accept that the key is baby steps and focusing on adding just one modality at a time, with very slow increases in intensity. And celebrate the successes!!! I’m so pleased I can climb one flight of stairs, up and down, with alternating steps, not using the handrail. First time in years! I’m very close to my next goal: 20 minutes, at a slow pace, on the elliptical. I started a few weeks ago with just 5 minutes.
So, yes, I agree! Meds + Activity! And throw in a little massage or acupuncture to reward and comfort those muscles. With Hope, Jo